a background in agent-based modeling and/or quantitative complexity and
systems science for the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant “Momentum”.
The doctoral candidatewould be part of an ambitious project entitled “Modeling the Emergence of Social Complexity and Order: How Individual and Societal Complexity Co-Evolve” (pending final signature). The project aims to model and simulate social interactions between sophisticated agents with cognitive capabilities and the resulting complex dynamics on the macro-level, including phenomena such as self-organization, emergence, multi-stability, and history-dependence in the formation of cooperation, social norms, and culture. Research subjects of particular interest are: evolutionary game theory; agent-based modeling and computational social science; complexity; social cooperation and social norms; reputation; evolutionary competition; human social evolution; conflict, revolutions, and/or war; simulation of the early stages of cultural evolution; artificial societies; social innovations and socio-inspired technologies; global real-time measurement of socio-economic activities.
The doctoral candidatewould be part of an ambitious project entitled “Modeling the Emergence of Social Complexity and Order: How Individual and Societal Complexity Co-Evolve” (pending final signature). The project aims to model and simulate social interactions between sophisticated agents with cognitive capabilities and the resulting complex dynamics on the macro-level, including phenomena such as self-organization, emergence, multi-stability, and history-dependence in the formation of cooperation, social norms, and culture. Research subjects of particular interest are: evolutionary game theory; agent-based modeling and computational social science; complexity; social cooperation and social norms; reputation; evolutionary competition; human social evolution; conflict, revolutions, and/or war; simulation of the early stages of cultural evolution; artificial societies; social innovations and socio-inspired technologies; global real-time measurement of socio-economic activities.
Excellent English
language skills, social skills, team spirit, and international
experience are needed. We also expect the candidate to appreciate
collaborating in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural team in order to
jointly and systematically address grand scientific challenges such as
the ones outlined in this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.3883.
Candidates should send their application materials in one single pdf file (<5 MB), including a short motivational letter, their CV and exam documents (A-levels, bachelor, master or diploma, and PhD). 2 to 3 letters of recommendation should also be sent directly to us by recommenders. Applicants are requested to submit their materials until January 31, 2013, at the button below to: ETH Zürich, Mr. Rolf Oertli, Human Resources, 8092 Zürich.
Candidates should send their application materials in one single pdf file (<5 MB), including a short motivational letter, their CV and exam documents (A-levels, bachelor, master or diploma, and PhD). 2 to 3 letters of recommendation should also be sent directly to us by recommenders. Applicants are requested to submit their materials until January 31, 2013, at the button below to: ETH Zürich, Mr. Rolf Oertli, Human Resources, 8092 Zürich.
Application Deadline : 31 January 2013