The Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic (Brno, Czech Republic) and the Laboratory of Ornithology at
the Faculty of Science, Palacký University (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
offers two Doctoral or Postdoctoral Positions in Czech Republic. The
institute offers salary of 15,470 CZK gross per month, based on a
full-time position, plus an additional monthly bursary (7,000 CZK).
Students must be interested in avian ecology and animal migration with
an MSc in Biology, with a specialization in Animal Ecology or Zoology
and experience with data analysis and proficiency in English is
required. The position is offered for five years. Send complete
application by email.
Study Subject(s): The scholarship is provided in Bird Ecology.
Course Level : This scholarship is for pursuing PhD or Postdoctoral degree level.
Scholarship Provider : Czech Science Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at : Czech Republic
Course Level : This scholarship is for pursuing PhD or Postdoctoral degree level.
Scholarship Provider : Czech Science Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at : Czech Republic
Successful candidates should be enthusiastic students interested in
avian ecology and animal migration. Candidates for the PhD position
should have:
-An MSc in Biology, with a specialization in Animal Ecology or Zoology.
-Experience with data analysis (ideally R/SAS, WinBUGS, MARK, GIS).
-Experience with work on birds in the field will be an advantage.
-Proficient knowledge of English (ability to write scientific papers).
-An MSc in Biology, with a specialization in Animal Ecology or Zoology.
-Experience with data analysis (ideally R/SAS, WinBUGS, MARK, GIS).
-Experience with work on birds in the field will be an advantage.
-Proficient knowledge of English (ability to write scientific papers).
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The students of Czech Republic can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description:
Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic (Brno, Czech Republic) and the Laboratory of Ornithology at the
Faculty of Science, Palacký University (Olomouc, Czech Republic) are
seeking two highly motivated PhD students to strengthen a joint research
team working on carry-over effects and migratory connectivity in birds.
The positions are available immediately and may last up to 5 years.
Number of awards offered: Two awards are offered.
Duration of award(s):
The positions require residence in Brno or Olomouc and must result in
PhD theses within the 5-year contract period. The successful candidate
will first be offered a temporary position for one year with the option
of renewal for another four years. Extension of the contract depends on
sufficient progress in the first year to indicate that a successful
completion of the PhD thesis within the next four years is to be
What does it cover?
The Institute of Vertebrate Biology in Brno offers a salary of 15,470
CZK gross per month, based on a full-time position, plus an additional
monthly bursary (7,000 CZK) can be obtained after a successful enrolment
in a PhD programme at a university (see below). The Laboratory of
Ornithology in Olomouc offers a bursary of 15,000 CZK per month (tax
free). Applicants moving to Brno may apply for additional funding from
the South Moravian Center for International Mobility.
Selection Criteria: Not known
A PhD training program at a Czech university is part of the agreement
(application April, interview June, enrollment September 2013).
How to Apply:
Applications, including a letter of motivation detailing research
interests and experience, a CV, a list of publications (if any), a
summary of MSc thesis, and letters of recommendation from two academic
referees, should be sent to Petr Procházka (e-mail:
Scholarship Application Deadline: All applications received by February 15, 2013 will be given full consideration.