Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sweden : PhD position in Computer Science on Language Constructs for Alias Management

Job assignment: Development of a general theoretical framework for expressing heap structures and aliasing patterns in object-oriented programs, and programming language constructs which let programmers create and maintain object graphs and express alias properties in their programs in an explicated, clear and enforceable way.

Qualifications: The candidate should have a Master of Science in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent, with a strong background in programming or programming languages. Knowledge of formal semantics, type systems and compilers is desirable.

The position is for a maximum of five years and includes departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (mainly teaching).

The application should include a description of research interests and past experience, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, relevant publications, and other relevant documents. Candidates are encouraged to provide letter(s) of recommendation and contact information to reference persons. Please note that applications can only be accepted via the web interface linked below.
The department is striving to achieve a more equal gender balance and female candidates are particularly invited to apply.

Rules governing Ph.D. candidates are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5, § § 1-7, and in the Uppsala University's rules and guidelines, at http://regler.uu.se/Rules_and_regulations_in_English/.

There are university guidelines regarding salary level.

For more information, see http://www.it.uu.se/ (the department) or contact: Dr. Tobias Wrigstad, tobias.wrigstad@it.uu.se (associate professor). The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations), phone +46 18 471 5380 and Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), phone +46 18 471 1996, Stefan Djurström, Seko (the Union of Service and Communication Employees), phone +46 18 471 3315.

Application Deadline : 4 March 2013