University of Sussex offers scholarships for one-year master’s degree
students. Applicants must be enrolled in anthropology, development
studies/international development (including the institute of
development studies), economics, education (including MA in childhood
and youth studies), gender studies, international relations, human
rights, migration studies. The students of India, Pakistan and Sri
Lanka can apply for this scholarship. Students currently studying in the
UK (including as undergraduates at Sussex) are not eligible to apply.
The application deadline is 29th March 2013.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in anthropology, development studies/international development (including the institute of development studies), economics, education (including MA in childhood and youth studies), gender studies, international relations, human rights, migration studies.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing masters degree level.
Scholarship Provider: University of Sussex
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: Applicants must:
-be nationals from, and resident in, one of the following countries: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Students currently studying in the UK (including as undergraduates at Sussex) are not eligible to apply
-be applying for a Master’s degree in the following subject areas only: Anthropology, Development Studies/International Development (including the Institute of Development Studies), Economics, Education (including MA in Childhood and Youth Studies), Gender Studies, International Relations, Human Rights, Migration Studies.
-not previously have studied at degree level in the UK.
-be classified to pay fees at the ‘overseas’ rate.
-Have sufficient funds to meet your tuition fees and living expenses, after taking account of the possible award of this Scholarship.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: Postgraduate Scholarships are available to students in the specified areas. Intended for students who will
contribute to the economic or social development of their countries
when they return on completion of their studies. The Economic and Social
Development Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of previous
academic performance and future potential, not financial need. Students
must complete the application form in type or write in capital letters
and blank ink. Correspondence will be via email.
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Scholarship is for one-year master’s degree programme.
What does it cover? Total offer is of £5,000.
Other Benefits: Not Known
Selection criteria: Awards will be made on the basis of academic merit (not financial need).
Notification: The Student Funding Team will let the winning applicants know by the start on June.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post or by e-mail.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 29th March 2013.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in anthropology, development studies/international development (including the institute of development studies), economics, education (including MA in childhood and youth studies), gender studies, international relations, human rights, migration studies.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing masters degree level.
Scholarship Provider: University of Sussex
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: Applicants must:
-be nationals from, and resident in, one of the following countries: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Students currently studying in the UK (including as undergraduates at Sussex) are not eligible to apply
-be applying for a Master’s degree in the following subject areas only: Anthropology, Development Studies/International Development (including the Institute of Development Studies), Economics, Education (including MA in Childhood and Youth Studies), Gender Studies, International Relations, Human Rights, Migration Studies.
-not previously have studied at degree level in the UK.
-be classified to pay fees at the ‘overseas’ rate.
-Have sufficient funds to meet your tuition fees and living expenses, after taking account of the possible award of this Scholarship.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: Postgraduate Scholarships are available to students in the specified areas. Intended for students who will
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Scholarship is for one-year master’s degree programme.
What does it cover? Total offer is of £5,000.
Other Benefits: Not Known
Selection criteria: Awards will be made on the basis of academic merit (not financial need).
Notification: The Student Funding Team will let the winning applicants know by the start on June.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post or by e-mail.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 29th March 2013.