University College London (UCL) offers PhD studentship in the field of quantum information. The position is offered for the period of 3 years and will be awarded stipend of £15,590 per annum. The post is only open to UK/EU citizens. Applicants applying for the Studentship should have an excellent first degree in Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computer Science or Mathematics (first class or its international equivalent).
Study Subject(s): Studentship is offered in the field of quantum information.
Course Level: This Studentship is available for pursuing PhD degree level at University College London, UK.
Scholarship Provider: University College London (UCL)
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: Applicants should have an excellent first degree in Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computer Science or Mathematics (first class or its international equivalent). The post is only open to UK/EU citizens.
Scholarship Open for International Students: PhD Studentship is only open to UK/EU citizens.
Scholarship Description: The Graduate Student will pursue research on adiabatic quantum computation/quantum annealing by performing numerical and analytical tests of associated concepts, as well collecting data using the D-Wave Systems Josephson junction device-based platform. The starting point will be to perform test experiments on the USC/Lockheed Martin D-Wave machine in Los Angeles, interrogating the accessible variables to determine the nature of the statistical sampling for the model problems of interacting spins which the processors directly implement. After successful completion of this phase of the project, the student will shift to implementing the solution of a problem of current interest in physics or biomedicine on a machine with a Josephson junction array architecture. The work will be carried out in collaboration with the group of Prof Aeppli and his broader network of experimental and theoretical colleagues, and could also entail experiments on other quantum systems in LCN laboratories and external user facilities.
Number of Awards: Not known
Duration of Awards: PhD Studentship is offered for 3 years.
What does it cover? £15,590 per annum is offered as a stipend.
How to Apply: PhD application forms can be downloaded or completed online at: under ‘How to Apply’.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications should be submitted till 22 Mar 2013.