Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ireland : PhD Studentship in Model-driven Software Engineering

Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, offers a PhD Studentship in Model-driven Software Engineering as part of the LGSSE initiative. The position is related to the research project on Model-driven Evolution of Variable Software-intensive Systems (ModEvo).

Applications are invited for a funded Ph.D. studentship within Lero at University of Limerick to investigate model-driven techniques for the configuration and evolution of software systems. The project will investigate how the configuration and evolution of software-intensive systems (e.g., all software in an aircraft) can be supported by model-driven techniques, e.g. interactive visual tools, model transformations, and automated consistency analyses.

* Essential:
- B.Sc. and/or M.Sc. in Computer Science, Software Engineering or closely related discipline
- Strong Java development skills

* Desirable:
- Knowledge in one or more of the following topics: model-driven development, software evolution, software visualisation, software product lines, embedded systems
- Experience in development of Eclipse-based tools

The project is supported by Science Foundation Ireland under the CSET programme and will be conducted in collaboration with the Rolls Royce Software Centre of Excellence and IBM Haifa Research Labs.  It is planned that the successful applicant will undertake a research internship at one of the partners during the course of their studies.

Please apply by email to quoting "Studentship ModEvo" in the subject line. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, in PDF format, giving full details of qualifications and experience, together with names of two referees. The closing date for applications is the 31st of January 2013.

The University of Limerick is an equal opportunities employer.

Further Information:
- Lero:
Application Deadline : 31 January 2013